A Love Letter to the Wisdom within Us
Personal Musings about Manifestation and our Creating Power
Dream Catchers in an olive tree at the Agape Zoe in Corfu, Greece, 2023.
Sitting underneath an olive tree at the beautiful festival Agape Zoe in Corfu, on soft and colourful cussions, I was sipping my hot cocoa letting my heart expand and listening to its messages, musing.
Around me, kind souls were dancing freely, laughing and singing, while I sat in stillness, my hair still salty from the glistening sea and my face glowing from the sunlight.
The cocoa helped me to completely surrender to my heart, to feel the energy surrounding me and be fully with myself.
A blissful moment, where I cannot only see but almost physically taste and touch all the strings of life - everything that has led me here suddenly makes sense. Very obvious to me now, I am on the path to what I had asked for, what I have been manifesting.
In this blog article you find my personal musings and reflections on my own private life experiences and how I see certain connections between myself and the universe.
I share my manifesting experiences, my (again personal) viewpoints on manifestation, and finally a guideline on how to manifest. This guideline comes from my own research and trials.
Writing these words, I am showing my vulnerable side and raw emotions to you, inviting you to also open your heart in all its vulnerability in your own safe space.
Nothing is important, Everything serves a purpose.
There have been multiple moments in my life that felt almost alike - as if they are the exact same moment - even though time and space were different. Like the veil of our dimension of time and space has lifted and I fused within the moment, knowing I am at all those times simultaneously, being where I belong, almost being able to see beyond, but not quiet there yet.
Am I sounding confusing? I bet so. I will try to clarify later on, but for now, let's return to my musings in that specific time and place: Corfu, Agape Zoe Festival on Thursday,13th July 2023.
Colourful mats at my musing space at the Agape Zoe in Corfu, Greece, 2023.
Sitting amidst the radiant festival energy, my thoughts circled around all that has happened the past year and how life continuously leads me down a path that is guiding me towards my highest good.
And that does not mean that this path is always nice. Or comfortable. Or in the least enjoyable. It also does not mean that I am aware in those crappy moments that I am still heading on fast track towards self-fulfillment and bliss.
No, on the contrary - I still feel lost, feel shitty and have moments of "F**k it, I am staying in bed all day". And that is okay. Those moments are so nourishing, opening us to dive deep into our shadow worlds once we are ready. Being lost and feeling like crap makes us recognize that nothing is important. And I am aware that this sounds awful - but let it sink in.
For the sum of your life it does not matter, if you were on time for work today or if you forgot, again, to take out the trash, or reply to that distant cousin's of yours message or forgot to cancel an appointment. Let yourself off the hook. Nothing is that important that it needs to dim your light.
At the same time, did any of this lead to something interesting? Maybe by taking the trash out only the next day, you run into your neighbour who tells you about an event your might have missed otherwise. With some space we can see that everything, every little bit of nothing, serves a purpose.
Your own purpose is to create whatever is important to you. To find every day whatever fulfills you in this very moment and create your life accordingly. And all those little bumps along your way might just be the universe sending you off into the right direction.
Journaling, Corfu, 2023
Let's start with a deep dive into my heart.
I have just moved across the globe back to Germany to start a life with a man I fell deeply in love with. Things were not always great, but for me they don't have to be, as long as both want to grow and create a life together. Unfortunately, the next day after my arrival in Cologne, this man decided that he would rather develop without me than with me. My heart broke, hard.
Additionally, I have found myself back in a culture that still values efficiency, consumption and profit in very high regards.
And to top if off, it was super difficult to find a living space as prices are sky-rocketing at the moment.
Needless to say: I felt super lost.
So lost, I did not see the purpose of anything.
WHY has life led me here??
I have found comfort in the exact same message, I have just shared with you.
Nothing is important, and everything serves a purpose.
In the huge wide universe it does not matter that I am heart broken. What can I do to fill my heart with love now? What opportunities did the heart break bring?
In the sum of what is going on in the world, it does not matter that I, little being, do not fit into the structures. How can I create my own surrounding? Where can I create a space for others who feel the same?
In the total amount of years in my life, it does not matter that right now, I cannot find a place to live. Where do I even want to be? Do I even want to live here or i a different place calling my name?
It is so comforting to me, to rephrase my current issues this way. It takes an enourmous weight off of me.
And then it is time to dive into our intuition and feel all the feels, especially those that we don't necessarily like. I will post about shadow work another time in detail for those interested.
Once you realise that nothing is important, you feel the great freedom of your choices! You can begin to wonder, what purpose might this low you are experiencing serve?
What are you able to create out of here?
Peace and bliss with this view. Corfu, 2023.
Those, who have attended my manifesting workshops, know that I like to say that the hardest part about manifesting is knowing what we want. Not listening to the voice of our mind that tells us what we are supposed to want, but our actual heart desires that we like to bury deep.
I used the feeling of being lost to my advantage.
My intuition was telling me that Cologne is where I was meant to be. The love was not supposed to last, but it fulfilled its purpose of bringing me back to this place after all those years spending abroad. And once I accepted that my path was in this city, I was offered the cutest room with the most amazing housemate I could have wished for.
I poured the love that was overflowing in my heart with no more direction into various projects, from sound meditation to sister's circles and was met with open hearts in return. Friends and family that might not have been familiar with my whole "energetic stuff" are my biggest supporters and send me unconditional love.
The job I have started to be able to afford my lifestyle in urban Germany quickly felt absolutely suffocating and empty. Hence, I quit. Just like that. No safety net, just trust. And joined my mom and sister to Greece instead for a week of sun and salt - and this olive tree.
Grateful for my own bravery, I vow to let my energy flow into my heart projects, trusting that abundance will come with love.
Feeling mesmerized by the beautiful colours of the sea in Paxos, Greece, 2023.
My recent Experiences with Manifestation and Co-Creating
Manifesting is a big word. However, it does not always need to be anything huge or impactful that we are craving. I want to share examples of my manifestations, so you have an idea what you could manifest and how the universe provides.
Naked swim, Corfu, 2023.
Just two days before I found myself underneath that olive tree, I was holding space for a sister's circle. I shared with my fellow sisters how much I miss being free (meaning nude) in nature.
In my time in Australia it was completely natural to me to be naked in the waters, let it be the ocean a waterfull or a little stream in the bushland. Returning to Cologne I felt awkward lying topless by the lake and even then it was not a fully immersive connected-to-nature experience.
And here I was now merely 48 hours after voicing my heart desires with my hair still damp - from a naked ocean swim! YES, the festival is held by a cliff and if you follow a little path you arrive at a tiny beach. Here, I finally felt free to join fellow souls and bathe in nudity. Submerging myself in the crytal clear ocean waters in my purest form.
And fun fact (fast forward to a few weeks after Greece), I joined a naked hike in the woods with 70 people. My heart was singing full of joy about all those humans, completely nude in the forests foraging for blueberries, laughing and enjoying nature.
Our words carry so much energy and are most powerful when in harmony with our heart.
Back in 2021 I was living in Byron Bay, an exciting East Coast spiritual hippy surfer beach town with stunning hinterlands full of magic and ancient wisdom.
At this time I have actively manifested two things: I journaled about an intense and fully immersive (and very ambitious!) workshop I would love to host one day and I manifested a permanent residency to stay in the country. I communicated my wish to everyone that would listen, even though at that time I had literally 0 experience in hosting workshops and was there on a temporary Covid Visa.
Sunset over Bundjalung land, Byron Bay, Australia, 2022.
I left my desire out in space and ventured on with my life. Months later, I signed up for a Reiki Level 1 course, just because the course fell on my days off and was cheap (literally had no experience and expectations about Reiki). And what can I say? Loved it, signed up for the Level 2 and started practicing on friends.
Meanwhile, a friend told me about her visa agent. We got in touch and in no time they showed me a promising pathway to residency. We started the process and I passed the first step in no time.
In the meantime, I was attending loads of workshops, ceremonies and kirtans thanks to the abundant offerings in the Byron community. Again, I started voicing my wish to hold spaces myself. At the same time, I felt that my time in the Bundjalung nation was coming to an end. They say the ancient volcano ground holds you in its grip until your have healed and learned your lessons. My time was super intense and I felt the grip slowly loosening. The floods in the Byron hinterlands have shaken my sense of grounding and safetly and humbled me - it was time to do my Sewa (acts of selfless service). And I was ready to take off.
Pachamama - Offerings to Mother Earth. Workshop at Swami's Retreat, Australia, 2022.
I packed my bags and ventured off into the Blue Mountains to Swami's Yoga Retreat to volunteer. Quickly I became part of an amazing community; kind people living in harmony with the lands and offering their service to others. It merely took a few days until I was asked to host workshops myself with the absolute freedom of creation. Just like that I was offered the space I was craving to hold. I birthed two workshops, one for the earth and one for the winds.
At the same time, Covid dwindled to be all but a shadow and a little voice in my heart was speaking up - about leaving Australia, venturing off.
I had to dig deep and inquire within: Was Australia really my future? I have contacted my visa agents and put the process on hold. Up until today it is a back and forth, a yes and no. My heart has no answer as to whether or not I want to return, so the universe is also keeping the residency on hold it seems.
As to my desire to hold space, well, I guess you can see how quickly I have made progress. I have a website, hold sister's cirlces, give workshops on festivals and am sure that the workshop of my dreams (the one all my manifesting has started with) is bound to happen in near future. When the heart is certain, the universe supports.
Balancing, Cologne, 2023.
On another note...
Exactly one year ago, on Lion's Gate 2022, I manifested to wake up next to an attractive man, passionately making love while the sun is shining and reflecting in the ocean. Spending days in the ocean and evenings on the terrace, hearts full of love. Oh what a vision!
The universe heard me and I met him the very next day in Cologne while I was visiting! Our first date lasted 36 hours, and when I returned to Australia we kept in touch for three long months, before we met again. In Indonesia - and guess what - we spent our days on the beach, sandy feet and big smiles on our faces, and our nights in a hammock underneath the palm trees, hearts full with passionate love. It was almost shocking how accurate this image was to what I was manifesting.
As you now know, the relationship did not last.
A learning I have taken from this is: my heart is yearning for someone to passionately love AND keep on growing (old) together. My manifestations just need to be a bit more specific in that way. Also, I have learned, that after all these years of seeking freedom, I am almost ready to share a partnership with.
Until then, all the love I have to give can spread wide and far into sharing energy with beautiful people through yoga, Reiki and sound therapy. I am sure, I would not poured so much heart into OMBAK energy, practicing yoga and building relations with like-minded people if I poured all my love into the romantic relationship. Everything has a purpose.
So, sitting in Greek sunshine with hot cocoa flowing through my veins, I could taste and touch and feel why the pain, the loss and confusion are all just pebbles along the path that keeps winding towards my destiny and highest good. The universe is there to support us, to lead us on. We need to learn to trust its messages. It will grant our wishes along the way until they no longer serve our purpose.
There are many more stories of how life just literally threw things in my face when I needed them. From randomly meeting my Himalayan Sound teacher on a rainy day in a shop, to being invited to host a workshop at a festival that ended up expanding my horizon in completely different ways... But I feel that is a tale for another time. You are all probably more curious about what manifesting means for you. So let's roll!
Key Insights about Manifestation
We all carry the power of creation within us as we are all connected with the source of the universe. Remember my rambling about different moments feeling like one?
In our human reality, we get to experience life as a linear process within a set frame in time and space. There are numerous philosophical, religious and scientific theories on how and why the universe works.
To me, personally, it is clear that all is connected, all is one. When in deep meditation or sleep or just intuitively I can feel this being true, as clearly as the keys of my laptop I am writing on right now.
So, imagine this: if you are connected to all, it means you can tap into any time and space if you move energy towards it. It also means that all possible realities exist somewhere in a different dimension. Your desires and heart wishes ARE ALREADY IN EXISTENCE.
Strolling around Paxos, Greece, 2023.
As mentioned, the hardest part now, is to determine what it is that you actually want to bring into your current existence. What is your heart desire? What is serving your highest good?
To me, there is a clear distinction between our mind wishes and our heart desires. Wishing for something is a passive process, a longing for something that is not within our reach. Manifesting means to actively put energy into something our existence in this world is craving to fulfill.
Belonging to wind and sea, Greece, 2023.
Many people want to manifest money, or fame, or love. Nothing wrong about that!!
However, is this really what your heart is craving? Maybe instead of money, you seek independence. Maybe instead of fame your heart seeks recognition. And maybe instead of love, you seek connection and belonging.
So when you start manifesting, be aware that the universe knows your heart and will lay the path for your highest good. Let's say you are manifesting money, in truth your deepest heart wish is for financial independence: Instead of the desired promotion and raise, you'll get laid off... The universe is trying to shake things off for you. Getting rid of all the distractions that stand in your way, even if it seems counterinuitive and really hard in the first moment. To be financially independent might require you to start fresh either with a job that offers more flexibility or freelancing to your own conditions. So, initially you might be disappointed, you manifested money and got fired instead, bummer. If you are in tune with your deepest heart desire though, you can clearly see why this is the right way to go.
With time, it gets easier to feel which desires come from the mind and which one from the heart. There is a certain ring of truth towards the purest heart wishes. I am also starting to believe that I can feel when the timing of my heart wishes is closing in. While it is possible to manifest anything at any time, in our linear reality it cannot happen all at once, we are bound by time and space. I imagine to intuitively feel when a manifestation is being close to enter our physical realm. Whenever a manifestation is about to happen soon and I energetically tap into the desire, I can feel energy radiating back from it, excitement shooting through me in high intensity. On the other hand, if something if not (yet) to happen, a little voice in my head murmurs softly "Not quite there yet...", or "just a little longer., be patient..." or even "this is not quite right..."! Heeding the wisdom of my inner voice, I trust that the universe will show me a more appropriate vision and gently lead my on my way.
How to Manifest
The moment you all have been waiting for! How can you start manifestation and co-creating?
I am sure you are all eager to start manifesting yourself, in all its beauty and all the ways it can surprise you!
Try this little guideline to manifesting:
Cleanse your energy: Get rid of stuck energies in the room and in your own energetic field. There are plenty of options here, depending on your experience. You might want to do it all by yourself by using sage or rosemary, cleansing your chakras and meditating. Or, you might want to seek an energy worker of your choice for some cleanse through Reiki, Sound, Light, Massage.... you name it!
Tune into your deepest and truest heart desires: There are many ways and techniques to prepare the heart space - from movement and pranayama to visualizations and meditation. Make sure you have enough time to sit with your emotions. Diving deep into your heart space might bring up emotions and answers you are not willing to hear yet, as they might bring upon changes into your life.
Activate your throat: Vishudda is a powerful portal, its essence connected to creation by our words and thoughts. Activate your throat chakra through mantra, sounds and singing.
Combine heart and throat energies: Affirmations are a great tools to connect those two energy centers - "I deserve what my heart desires!" Say it, feel it! Let the energies merge and swirl.
Manifest: Use your throat chakra energy to envelop your desires in a blue light. Imagine all the details of your desires - Who are you talking to? What are you wearing? What is the time on the clock? Add as many details as you can see and trust your intuition about it, it has already happened!!! So you are only having a little sneak peak on that cabin in the woods with a red kettle for your future peppermint tea. Or the one way flight ticket on the 25th of August 2024 with the airline of your choice to Cusco, Peru. Or whatever it is that you are manifesting.
Gratitude: You can see your vision as clear as day now, shining in blue light. It feels right in your heart, no changes needed. Great, now it is time for the most powerful of all. Gratitude!! I cannot mention enough, it has already happened, maybe in a different reality, somewhere out in the universe, but it is already in place. Feel the rush of being happy and grateful run through your entire body and give thanks. Spend some minutes with the feeling and joy, before you move on. This is also the moment, where I have learned to intuitively connect with the universe and sense the timing of my manifestation.
Journal your vision: Take a moment to put it all on paper. You have created it in our heart and in your mind, not create it in reality. Add a date in future and write it down as if you have lived through that day already.
Keep it up!: Manifesting is not a one-time action. It means continuously sending energy towards our vision. It means allowing ourselves to see how the universe is supporting us by sending us opportunities. And, it means being brave a taking those steps.
Return to your heart and revise: Check in with your heart to see if you are still feeling it in the depths of your soul that this is what you want. Do not be afraid to be honest to yourself and adjust your vision. You will feel what is right!
And now, my little birdies, journey on! I encourage each and every one of you to try it, to fail, to adjust and to try again. Never forget that nothing is important, and everything serves a purpose! Feel the freedom of those words and know that you have all the power to create whatever is important to you. Dive into the core of your being to feel what is your purpose and your desire. And then bring it into our reality. Your deepest desires already exist on a different plane. Create with your heart and the universe with create it with you.
I host manifesting workshops in which I share methods and techniques for guideline points 1 through 7. If you are interested in a workshop, stay tuned for the next online manifesting workshop or send me a message!
Otherwise, I am happy to assist with individual requests both in person and online. Feel free to use the booking form or send an inquiry through a message or on Instagram.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it :)
Please feel free to leave comments and your own thoughts.