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Sound Therapy

Music and stimulation for body and mind. Vibrations and mysical sounds of singing bowls from the Himalayas.

How does sound therapy work?

Sound is as natural to us humans like our breath. Every culture in this world bursts with singing and music, as both influence our emotions, sense of belonging and general well-being.


If you play a string of a guitar in a room, you will notice that the same string of a second guitar will start vibrating as well. This has nothing to do with magic, but simple movement of energetic waves.

Sound is made by electromagnetic sound waves that differ in frequendy and pitch. Through those sound waves we can influence and attune the energetic waves that surround us and our being. 

Just like those guitar strings, we use the therapeutic attributes of the singing bowls to attune our energy, harmonize our vibration and release blockages.

Procedure of a Sound Treatment

What can I expect from the treatment?

Each Sound session begins with a short conversation and the setting of an intention for the healing. The intention includes either specific physical, mental or emotional complaints, or can be formulated more generic. We continue with cleansing the energetic forces and a short meditation to settle in space.

Depending on your needs we start the sound therapy with you most likely lying or sitting on the floor.

With mostly physical complaints, the session can focus on sound massages with lower vibrations mixed with Yin Yoga asanas.

Adressing a mental, emotional or holistic approach, the focus can be on chakra cleansing, sound meditation or hydro therapy.

After the sound treatment, I might use essential oils and incense to clear away repelled old energies. We conclude with a conversation about emotions and sensations that might have arisen. If you wish to proceed with further treatment we set and intention for the next meeting. 



My first session is coming up - what do I have to consider beforehand?

The good news - with sound waves travel without your active intervention. 

A sound treatment requires no prerequisites or preparation. An open mind and curiosity about self-examination are beneficial. It is helpful to practice yoga, meditation, or other types of mindfulness just to become more aware of subtle changes in the body and vibrations. However, this is not a necessity!

Your subconscious and your energy field benefit equally from the Sound treatment.

After the Treatment

Time for Reflection

Sound therapy is much more intense than Reiki and can be experienced both physically and emotionally. You might want to take it easy after the treatment as the changed vibrations can be perceived very intensely through tiredness and emotional vulnerability. 

Generally, I advise using the hours after the Sound Therapy to take care of yourself. It's a good idea to end the day on a gentle note and, maybe over a cup of tea, journal on all the emotions, thoughts and sensations that arose during the treatment.

In the first few nights after a session, your dreams can be quite exciting as well. Dreams bring deep insights into our subconscious. Can you feel a change?

Individual session - in person*

60 minutes - 80 €

Group meditation

60 minutes - 100 €

Individual session - in person*

60 minutes - 80 €

90 minutes - 110 €

* Area Köln Nippes und Agnesviertel, other areas and cities on request and with extra charge.

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