Energetic Guidance
An intensive companionship and energetic guidance for important life events and step stones that are energetically charged. I support you with energetic preparation, accompany you during the event and process after those special moments for a full integration.
You can find some examples here, however, your energetic guidance is individually selected together.
Let's find out, how I can best support you - with a free first consultation call!
Competition and Sports Events
Whether small sompetitions or large tournaments, all sports events are very exciting and entertaining, for both athlete and spectator.
Participants often undergo tedious physical preparation for years targeted on one or few events. While mental preparation has finally achieved some recognition nowadays in the professional field, still emotional and energetic competition preparation is still neglected.
However, especially during competitions, athmosphere is thick with excitement, pressure und expectations. All the energy is mixed with strong emotions of all the spectators and thus enhanced manyfold.
We prepare for this energetic cocktail with various energetic treatments and exercises that are tailored to your specific needs and constitution. During the competition I can support you on site or from the distance to clear and balance your energy on the spot. After the event we use therapeutic treatments for regeneration and learnings for the next prep season.
Exams and Meetings
In our western world, our generation is growing up with immense pressure to perform on all levels and propell out knowledge that we crammed into our heads within mere minutes. Little consideration is given to our personality or chances offered to learn and present in our individual ways.
It is expected that we function.
Obviously these examination times are energetically intense and can be potentially traumatic. Weeks before tests, presentations and other important meetings we can feel the mental and energetic pressure.
Especially during exams in a setting with multiple participants the own fears and doubts mix with all the surrounding feelings in the room.
Afterwards, oftentimes, we feel exhausted and drained. Personally, I still have dreams about forgetting one of my exams at the end of school - this is 13 years ago now!
With the energetic guidance for examination preparation we focus in each phase on your personal needs. Both before and after your exam or meetings, we cleanse energy, build up a secure space in your energetic field and support your wellbeing on an energetic basis.
If you wish, I support you during your exam from the distance by sending you universal energy.
Birth, Weddings and Celebrations
Even positively associated events are very exciting and can mix different energies and expectations from all participants and ourselves and might require energetic support.
The intention of the energetic guidance is to open up energetically in order to experience those moments more mindfully and with an open heart, to easy anxiety and pressure of expectations and to ensure a reflected and deep integration of the experience afterwards with the full variety of emotions.
Energetic guidance can provide support for all events from preparing for birth, weddings, festivals, celebrations, going abroad and any other big events.
We use energy treatmens and practices for preparation. During the event I can assist energetically at the event or from the distance. For integration we use individually assigned methods of energy work for integration, as long as needed.